
Will Pfumvudza/Intwasa save Zimbabwe from El Nino-induced drought?

By Pretty Chavango Farming seasons in Zimbabwe have significantly shifted due to the impact of climate change with the country’s Meteorological Department urging farmers to…

pretty chavango pretty chavango 3 Min Read

In This Issues

Gender-sensitive climate policies are essential for addressing the differential impacts of climate change

Gender -sensitive climate policies and initiatives are essential for addressing the differential impacts of climate change on women and men…

Mandatory radio licence defeats legal logic says MAZ

Media Alliance of Zimbabwe (MAZ) has castigated moves by the government to introduce mandatory radio licencing for motorists, arguing that…

Picking up the pieces – Life after Cyclone Idai

By Pretty Chavango The rainy season is beckoning. For most people in Zimbabwe, especially farmers this is a welcome development…

You are misleading people, ZEC told

We are going to lodge the appeal within the stipulated timeframe and our candidates, voters, and supporters and members of…

December 2023

Enterprise Magazine


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